Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Sandra - Organ Donation

Organ Donation is a good practice because it joins with the medycal science can help with the threatment of many different illnesses. Also, the people can practice it and for this reason, many people will life and they will be grateful with the donation person. Finally, this practice will be refute for some religious and cultures, and the are going against this practice.

First, whe a person died, the bdy is not neccesary any more and the doctors can take many different organs and this action can save lives. in addition, a donalife organization report shows that around 1700 people are waiting in a list for getting an organ only in Australia.

Secondly, al people can do this practice, if you are interested in be an active donator, you need to permit this for writting. also, you must be a healthy person, it is very important because if you have some illnesses you can pass this to another people behind your organs or parts. This is a personal decision but very important decision, if you are interesting, you can feel  the possitive moral because you will be proplongate and improve of life that somebody.

In addition, many people have received benefits with this practice and the have the opportunity of life again, and they can enjoy the time with her or his family and they are grateful with the donation perso, the science and with god.  For all this reasons, Organ donation is an excellent practice and the world needs to know this benefits and know, how can the people practice it. However, the people that practice it when they are liling, they must be know about risks for this practice because it needs a big surgary and for this reason the donation peoples can get some infections and they need a special take care and precautions for them lives.
Eventually, some religious believe that Organ donation is not good because it will be against of God but it is neccesary to know that when the body died the Spirit does not pemanent in the body, for this reasom, this view is not correct.

The religiosu people think that only Gog can give or stop the live and this is true but God wants the best for our and for this reason, he gives the science and the tecnology for improving our health.
Other view is the ilegal practice because some bad people can use this for selling and buying the different parts. however, it is very important that the people know that this practice is very safe because the goverment and the science are controlling this situation all the time, and if the person wants to give her or his organs, the person will have all the garantice for this.

In conclusion, Organ donation is a goog practice beacuse the donation, the tecnology and the science can work together and the can save different lives. also, the organ donation can be practice for different people which can have different ages, genre and social status because nobody know when him or her will die and maybe, the person and his or her family could need an organ behind the practice. For this reason, the people can believe in god and this is not a problem but it is very important that the people understand that this practice never pretend to go against that him and his laws.

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