Sunday, 6 November 2011

Yuka Robert

 The formal definition of learning describes the process as permanent change in our behaviours based on our personal experience. Learned behaviours may exist for a life time, but they also not appear throughout our live. Every each of us has on natural learning preference, so that you can learn in others ways not just in prefered style,
One of the very commun method of learning is De Bono's 6 hats theory which has been used in thousand companies all over the world, there are 6 metaphirocal hats and the thinkier can put on or off one of those to show the type of thinking being use. so we have colored hats as folows:  white - focus, figures, red- intuicion feelings ; black- treatment ; yellow- logical thinking ; green creativity, alternatives; blue- green hat but more.
 Another technic of effective learning is John Keller's modern of motivation. He simply discribes it has for steps for improving your motivation. Attention is first of them and it can be painted in two ways; by suprised or uncertainly interst or just by curiosity. Relevance is another way second is based mostery on a learner's motivation. Confidence to help students understand they likehood for success. And finally satsisfaction, how you can achived all of these if none of it never brings you joy.

However theory of constructuvism saids that learning is an avctiv constructive process. The learner is a information constructor. New information is often connected to main knowledge. A commun miunderstanding reporting constructivism is that instrutors should never tell students anythings directly but  insteade should always allowed them to construct knowledge for themselves,
So what really is th eprocess of learning ? it's your own way to learn new things in a way you like most learning style are various they in both education methodes,
particular to an individual, The statistic say that teachers should access the learning styles of their students or adapt their classroom method to best fit each student 's learning style

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