Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Extreme Religious Practises

    Through the years our society has evolved. That means that our way of living has progressily changed, including cultural and religious.
    Focusing in religion, some of them have relaxed their rutinal practise and have tried to change them, but other ones are keeping traditional practise that are sometimes object of extreme criticism.
    Nowadays,muselin women keep covering their bodies or even their faces following their religion or in some countries are not allowed to work or even study because their duties are just at home looking after their children and husband.
    In our particular view, those practise should be completely abolish because it doesn't respect, in mostly of cases the women's rights of thinking about their own prepartion is not considered.
    Many people pray for their lives, but they get nothing. It's a useless method to make your life better.A large number of poor people in the world are praying to god, but they are still poor. In one particular example , one woman prayed a lot, but she was absolutely useless to do everything, so she was poor.It's unreliable to pray without struggling. That's why extreme religious practises shouldn't be allowed.

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